The best connections with our partners
for a door-to-door booking
support with personal contact persons
1 million
hotels on over 70 reservation portals
Booked in 5 minutes: from door to door, according to your wishes
Let us optimize your itinerary. Our AI analyzes traffic data, flight schedules and personal preferences to create the most efficient - i.e. the cheapest and most comfortable - travel routes for you.
How would you like to travel?remove
You make the specifications, our tool finds the best solution. Combine flights, trains and rental cars and have the entire route calculated from door to door. For a stress-free business trip from the very first minute.
Sleep in your favorite hoteladd
Whether before or after the business meeting, a pleasant stay contributes significantly to a successful trip. Choose from over 1 million hotels, always at the best possible conditions
We value your personalityadd
Aisle or window? Compartment or open-plan? Our booking tool takes your preferences into account. Use the DB Seatmap or the reservation tool of your preferred airline directly in our interface. Add your bonus cards once and benefit with every booking.
Company approvals – faster than ever beforeadd
Avoid long waiting times and missed reservation opportunities. Your bookings are automatically based on the release and approval processes that your company has defined. This is how cost control works without micromanagement: digital, user-friendly and fast.
Concierge Service: What else can we do for you?
No two business trips are the same – and sometimes it has to be something special. Our professionals will be happy to help you.
- Open jaw flights
- Group travel
- Shuttle and limousine service
- Personal 24/7 support New
Learn more
Our best brand ambassadors
Your customer satisfaction is our success
Save up to 8% on your indirect travel costs
Companies spend around 1.5 hours per trip just on their administration*. This corresponds to 10% pure process costs. By digitizing these processes, these costs can be reduced by more than 80%.
Calculate individual savings
* Data source: VDR Business Travel Report 2016, 14th edition
Let's talk. Get to know our solution.
Let's discuss how we can best support you in a personal web demo.
Dominik Hug